Education & Literacy

Education & Literacy

We are committed to protect the right to education of children hailing from deprived and vulnerable communities. To this end, it undertakes activities to sensitize the community on the benefits of educating their children, network with schools to identify drop out children and put them back to school. We also conduct innovative non formal teaching programmes to teach out of school children and integrate them in formal schools once they attain minimum learning level. To attract the children to come to our learning centers, we provide nutritious snacks to them.

We also work in close collaboration with the education department to address the issue of high drop out and low retention rates especially in government schools. We advocate for creating a conducive learning environment for all children, especially girls, and facilitate their access to quality learning and development opportunities. This is a necessity in the state not only to increase the literacy rate but also to alleviate poverty in the long run. We also impart remedial education to poor and needy school children and provide them with all education and school stationery items as well as school bags, shoes, uniforms, books, etc.


Kindly use the following bank details to make a donation:

For National Donation
Account Name : The Udhampur Rotary Eye and General Welfare Foundation
Account No : 1241040100001157
Bankaddress : CAMA HOUSING COLONY, UDHAMPUR, Jammu & Kashmir
To Donate National Donation Online: Donate Now

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About Us

Our organization was founded by a group of committed social activists who were concerned about the inequalities prevalent in society. The group of activists conducted sporadic social welfare activities in semi urban and rural areas. In the course of

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Contact Us

  • The Udhampur Rotary Eye and General Welfare Foundation
  • Mr. D.N. Sharma
  • 9419161088, 9906245447, 9797243657, 01992273657
  • Rotary Eye & ENT Hospital Housing Colony, Udhampur - 182101 (J & K)

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